More rain and wind, Dumbles looking great.

More rain and wind, Dumbles looking great.

Estuary Tower

A windswept and rainy Dumbles this morning but looking great with over 1000 Geese in total spread over the entire area. Greylags (460) were digging up roots with the 43 Whitefronts grazing among them and distantly a new probably juvenile Pink Footed Goose. A very nice 360 Wigeon and 360 Teal were active on the scrape with some hundreds more Wigeon on the estuary. There were over 100 Curlew (very mobile) on the top of the tide and a passing Marsh Harrier pushed 660 Lapwing into the air. Around 400 Dunlin were very flighty and the high tide roost of at least 81 GBB Gulls was the highest i have seen for a while.


Numbers starting to increase in here now that feds have started. There were 47 Pochard, 104 Tufted and 38 Pintail this morning. A lone Green Sandpiper was a surprise then a couple of Redshank and a Spotted Redshank dropped in along with a Little Egret

Zeiss Hide

Front and center this morning was a very handsome immature Marsh Harrier with red wing tag number 17. We will try to find out a little more about this bird. It had made a kill and was rather morbidly being watched by over 600 Teal and a couple of Crows. A small roost of 17 Redshank a single Black Tailed Godwit and a Spotted Redshank were the only waders that remained.


Best from here was a large flock of BH Gulls with 9 Ruff among them.

South lake

A little windswept here this morning but a good selection of ducks including 31 Shoveler and 231 Teal. There were 13 Ruff, 61 Black tailed Godwit and 61 lapwing.

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