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More wader chicks

This year our breeding Lapwing population has mainly been on the Dumbles and Top and Bottom New Piece fields, it's quite difficult to keep tabs on the young now the vegetation is so tall but we keep try to keep a close eye on them. Surveys are conducted from the hides and vantage points around the reserve during the mornings. So far 9-10 broods have hatched. This week has seen the first Oystercatchers hatching with young now on the Dumbles and the Big Pen (pair that nested on the Duck Decoy Hide roof). The Little-ringed Plovers have stepped it up a gear again with lots of displaying on Rushy and South Lake. We've had problems with water so far this spring, low levels in key areas like South Lake and a badly blocked pipe causing water to back up in the Rushy, the latter problem has been addressed so normal levels should be restored unless we have a lot of rain or a long dry period.

Highlights today from around the reserve include...

Rushy Hide

Three Little-ringed Plover, 10+ Avocet including the red ringed bird H9 which has been here again this spring. The Black-headed Gull colony is bustling.

Tack Piece

Still a few duck favouring the scrape. 2 drake Teal, a Shoveler, 7 Wigeon, 6 Gadwall, c14 Shelduck and pairs and broods of Greylag Geese.

Martin Smith Hide

Two singing Sedge Warbler

Knott Hide/Stepehen Kirk Hide

Two Lesser Whitethroats singing, a few Reed Warblers in the reeds and a brood of Mute Swan (pictured) have hatched on Pill Box Pool.


Two Peregrine and a Crane plus two pairs of Oystercatcher, a pair of Shoveler and a male Curlew.

South Lake

85 Black-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper, Little-ringed Plover and a Redshank on the wader scrape. Two pairs of Oystercatcher nesting on each of the hides. Two vocal 2nd calendar year Mediterranean Gulls were among the 90 breeding pairs of Black-headed Gull, two Heering and 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull also present. Two Cormorant on the fence with a few Gadwall and Tufted Duck on deep lake.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

Three drake Garganey, the Spoonbill over the high tide period, 4 drake Shoveler, 14+ Lapwing + broods, 5 Redshank, 16 Avocet, a pair of Wigeon, 2 Little Grebe and singing Cuckoo and Reed Warblers. A female Marsh Harrier was seen this morning.

Kingfisher Hide

The Kingfishers have been showing very well today.

Middle Point

The Spoonbill fed just S of here at low tide, 3 Curlew, 7 Ringed Plover, a Grey Plover and 8 Dunlin were also noted. A Yellow Wagtail and 2 Swift N. Singing Whitethroat along the summer walkway.

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