'New in' Spotted Redshank
First juvenile Spotted Redshank of the year
Top New Piece
The long staying adult Spotted Redshank was joined by a juvenile today, the latter also visited the South Lake. Over high tide a party of 6 Red Knot roosted and some of the Ruff from South Lake headed here to feed for the day. A large gathering of Teal held two Wigeon and a few Shoveler. Two Yellow Wagtail were among the cattle. Two Marsh Harrier were seen today.
South Lake/Discovery Hide
Cattle Egret, 20+ Snipe feeding on the fringes of the wader scrape + 11 Ruff, 14 Redshank, 157 Black-tailed Godwit, 158 Lapwing + Teal, Gadwall, Mallard, Greylag, Little Grebe Cormorant and Tufted Ducks. Outside the hide on the flowering plants a Jersey Tiger (moth), fed for much of the day.
South Lake/Hogarth Hide
Green Sandpiper, 32 Teal, 12 Shoveler, 2 Wigeon and 40 Mallard.
Rushy Hide
A couple of juvenile Ruff + 2 Snipe with the Teal flock on lower pond.
Martin Smith Hide
Five Wigeon in the pool + Teal and Mallards.
Tack Piece
Teal and Gadwall, single Lapwing.
The Dumbles
Flocks of Greylag, Barnacle and Canada Geese with Snow x Bar-headed hybrid. A juvenile Peregrine Falcon was about. The impressive leucistic Great Black-backed Gull was in the high tide gull roost again.
Duck Decoy
Pair of Little Grebe.