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New roost site for Little Egrets.

Tack Piece

A new roost site on the northern edge of the field held 6 Little Egret this morning, 3 of which stayed in the Tack Piece to feed. Also an Oystercatcher 2 Green Sandpipers and a Greenshank in the scrape. Some great Reed Warbler activity close to the hide.


Green Sandpiper 3 towards the back of the pond and at least 8 adult and 10 juvenile Avocet scattered around. oystercatcher young (2) showing well and lots of adult and young Pied Wagtails around.

Zeiss Hide

A great gathering of Avocets here with 103 adults and at least 9 juveniles, the Redshank count was 53, there was a single Green Sandpiper and 71 Lapwing. A nice little group of 21 Dunlin included many in full summer plumage with black bellies. families of Shelduck and Tufted Duck and a Buzzard feeding on a kill.

South Lake

A fantastically colourful flock of over 200 Black Tailed Godwit feeding and sleeping. at least 6 Redshank and 3 adult male and an adult female Ruff among them. At least 4 Little Ringed Plovers including an incubating bird and a fledged youngster. Lots of moulting Gadwall and Teal numbers increasing. Great Crested Grebe on the Lake, a Little Grebe very close to the hide and a poorly first summer Med Gull.

Wild Safaris

An early safari this morning found several Cranes, a female Marsh Harrier a roost of 6 Little Egrets, a Whimbrel among curlew in the fields and many more Curlew and families of Shelduck on the Estuary. Common Terns on their nest sites and 2 very fine female and a male Grass Snake

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