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News for Thursday 9 November- Common Darters still on the wing

Another day with heavy showers but great birding.

A cooler day but we still have Common Darter dragonflies on the wing, sunny sheltered spots in the reed beds are a good place to look for them. Not our latest ever date for this species but notable for November.

Other sightings follow, it was impossible to count any birds this morning due to Marsh Harrier, Perergrine and Buzzard, the wildfowl and waders wouldn't settle.

South Lake

The juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper was on the north causeway and islands this afternoon but was on the Tack Piece and Dumbles this morning.

Tack Piece

Really busy with birds, many of the waders and wildfowl have been feeding here at some point. At least 25 Russian White-fronted Geese among the Barnacle, Canada and Greylag Geese as well as the Ross's Goose and usual selection of hybrid geese. 560 Black-tailed Godwit plus Spotted Redshank, 8 Redshank, 10+ Ruff, flocks of Dunlin, Curlew, Golden Plover and Lapwing.

Estuary Tower or Severn View Tower

Looking over the fields to the North a Great Egret, a pair of Whooper Swans, two Marsh Harrier and flocks of Fieldfares all distantly viewable.

Top New Piece/Bottom New Piece

Like the Tack Piece very busy with highly mobile birds through the day.

The Severn

Managed to count 1640 Golden Plover on the Severn sands this afternoon with a single bird with a dusky under wing among them. 205 Curlew and 505 Wigeon also in the channel.


Chiffchaffs, Redpolls and Siskins all noted over the site.

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