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Not yet Spotted Redshank

The Spotted Redshank was very elusive today, heard first thing over the car park and then later in the morning over the South Lake

The Spotted Redshank was very elusive today, heard first thing over the car park heading for the Tack Piece and then heard again later in the morning over the South Lake. Neither time was the bird seen to land so there is a chance it is spending time out on the river instead.

Just before lunchtime a juvenile Black Tern was found feeding on insects with a Black-headed Gull flock over the Top and Bottom New Piece and edge of the Dumbles. The bird could be seen from the Zeiss Hide. Later it or another bird was seen on the South Lake, briefly resting on the wader scrape.

Zeiss Hide
Work is continuing here today but the birds are likely to remain as they did yesterday. The tractor is out on the field giving it a final top before the bulk of the winter birds arrive, whilst the volunteers are in the reedbed finishing off some of the rides through the vegetation to help look for Bittern and Water Rail in the coming season. Seen this morning on the scrape were at least 592 Teal, a single Redshank, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 11 Ruff (including 3 juveniles), 239 Lapwing, 14 Wigeon, a Pintail, 7 Snipe and 2 Grey Heron. A Kingfisher flew past heading towards the South Finger Reedbed.

South Lake
At least 200 Teal were across the wader scrape with many birds feeding in the longer vegetation around the back. Also noted were 4 adult Ruff, 69 Lapwing, 197 Black-tailed Godwit, a female Wigeon and 14 Redshank. The deep lake held another female Wigeon, 12 Shoveler, 3 Pochard, 3 Cormorant and 64 Tufted Duck.

Rushy Hide
A Garganey was asleep on the causeway with a small group of Teal, but Teal numbers across the lower pond have increased to 331 birds. A Grey Wagtail was foraging on the overflow in front of the hide and giving occasional bursts of song, a Wigeon was on the upper pond along with 3 Shoveler. An adult Ruff was on the lower pond islands.

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