November 2020 WeBS count
Results of the November Wetland Bird Survey Count
The date of the November survey from 15th to the 17th as high tide was in the dark on the 15th,moving the date ensured that all involved in the Severn Estuary counts would be able to catch the high tide period. It was a breezy count but remained rain free, the mild wet conditions of late were certainly appreciated by our increasing flocks of waders, totals follow.
9 Cormorant
4 Little Egret (roosted)
2 Cattle Egret (roosted)
7 Grey Heron
Bittern (seen on 13th)
91 Mute Swan
2 Bewick's Swan
81 Russian White-fronted Goose
375 Greylag
394 Canada Goose
148 Barnacle Goose
1 Mandarin
307 Shelduck
861Wigeon (1237 on 15th and 2103 on 13th so clearly these birds are moving about).
38 Gadwall
1242 Teal
708 Mallard
87 Pintail
98 Shoveler
100 Pochard (yes it was 100, 98 on the Rushy)
373 Tufted Duck
11 Water Rail
116 Moorhen
110 Coot
755 Golden Plover (individual with white primaries/secondaries has returned for another winter)
1376 Lapwing
58 Curlew (168 at high tide on 15th with 269 on the estuary at low tide, most sleeping in a sheltered spot).
484 Black-tailed Godwit (545 on 5th)
1 Knot
21 Ruff (28 have been counted a few times this week)
318 Dunlin (800+ have been counted a couple of times this week)
2 Spotted Redhsnak
25 Redshank
Greenshank (not seen today but one appears to be attempting to winter)
6 Snipe (we didn't walk any fields otherwise the count would be significantly higher).
1 Great Crested Grebe
27 Great Black-backed Gull (63 yesterday).
Plus Pochard x Ferruginous Duck hybrid, Pochard x Ring-necked Duck hybrid, Bar-headed Goose, Greylag x Barnacle and Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrids.
Martin McGill