Now 16 Bewick's Swans
Arrival of Bewick's Swans
Bewick's Swans have increased to 16 birds on site this morning, we were anticipating an arrival thanks to a favourable weather forecast and it duly delivered two families, Maisie and Maifeld with three cygnets and Hoorn and Laren with two. The new arrivals have been seen on the Rushy and Tack Piece with regular flights across the reserve.
Other sightings included the following.
Tack Piece
Now 14 Russian White-fronted Geese as well as the three Greenland White-fronted Geese, the Canada Goose flock was much reduced with 200-300 viewable from the hides, the putative Todd's Canada is still present but was impossible to pick out due to distance, part of the flocks fed in the Fifty Acre (a few field N of Tack Piece). We've increased the water level to create a flood in the middle of the field, this has been attracting lots of birds, at least 440 Golden Plover (660 counted on the estuary later in the day), 11 Ruff, c70 Black-tailed Godwit, c30 Dunlin, 360 Wigeon, 260 Teal, a few Pintail and Canada/Greylag Geese. A Cetti's Warbler was calling by the hides.
Estuary Tower
The Spoonbill and a Great White Egret were feeding on the mudflats at low tide. A singiong Chiffchaff pluis Fieldfares and Redwings were in the hedge as well ass two Reed Bunting. A Short-eared Owl was hunting along the seawall (North of Goose House).
Top New Piece
Four Little Stint were among 250 Dunlin, 44 Pintail and 15 Snipe were also counted. Water Rail was squealing below the hide.
At least 5 Lesser Redpoll flying about with a few Chiffchaff, additional Chiffchaff at South Finger and South Lake.
South Lake
175 Shoveler were counted with Great Crested Grebe, c140 Teal, 5 Cormorant and 120 Black-tailed Godwit.