Numbers building
The numbers of our winter birds have been building this week, especially Lapwing, Golden Plover, several duck and a record count of Black-tailed Godwit
The numbers of our winter birds have been building this week, especially for Lapwing, Golden Plover, several duck species and a record count of Black-tailed Godwit!
Estuary Tower
The Golden Plover looking great in the sunshine this morning on the Tack Piece, mixed in with the Lapwing and a few Dunlin. Lapwing numbers have increased sharply from last week's WeBS count - probably doubling. From the hide all the White-fronted Geese were visible with 26 on the Dumbles and 47 on the Tack Piece. Five Cranes were also on the Dumbles, including Kia & Chocolo with their juvenile.
Zeiss Hide
Birds on the Top New Piece this morning including 500+ Wigeon, 28 Shoveler, four Pintail and several hundred Teal. Also noted were a large flock of 663 Black-tailed Godwit. We noticed a large flock yesterday but were unable to count as the birds were very flighty. This count today was undertaken at the same time as a count on the South Lake, which gave 128 birds, giving a site total of at least 791 today - a record count for the reserve!
South Finger Walkway
A flock of Redwing were moving through the trees here this morning.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Two Spotted Redshank and eight Redshank were on the Tack Piece along with 17 Shoveler, 14 Snipe, and several hundred Wigeon and Teal.
Rushy Hide
Nine Bewick's Swan are still present today along with 56 Pintail, 225 Tufted Duck, 66 Pochard, a drake Mandarin and 104 Shelduck.
Kingfisher Hide
A flock of 157 Lapwing and 23 Ruff were on the Bottom New Piece, along with a mobile flock of Dunlin. A Water Rail was calling, and a Cetti's Warbler and Chiffchaff were also heard. A male Roe Deer was on the Top New Piece.