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Numbers building again after the cold spell

The cold weather of last week and weekend had dispersed many of the wintering birds but they are returning to the site. The deluge day on Monday has seen water levels rise rapidly which creates feeding opportunities. The Tack Piece has been a main focus for the birds as well the South Lake, they are using the latter as a roost site although much of the feeding in the fields between the canal and here.

Russian White-fronted Geese

The flock has been in fields North of the car park and North East of the Tack Piece. It's tricky to see them here, the (Sloane) Severn View Tower is the best place to locate them although views through the trees from Estuary Tower is possible.

Bewick's Swans

We have at least 77 on site, 14 cygnets, they have been extremely mobile today, lots of calling birds low over the centre and grounds, wonderful! The majority are to be found on the Rushy or Tack Piece at either end of the day.

Whooper Swans

The pair have been feeding in the Ox Piece today, best to view from the two towers.

Other sightings

Van de Bovenkamp Hide

Great Egret worming in the Tin Shed field.

South Finger Viewing Screen

Two Water Rail feeding on the rides + flock of Long-tailed Tits and Goldcrest in the hedge.

Estuary Tower

Adult and juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Geese with Canada Goose flock on foreshore saltmarsh + Peregrine. Two Great Egrets worming in the Goose House Ground.

Tack Piece

Three Marsh Harriers, 100s Dunlin and Lapwing, single Spotted Redshank, Ruff and Golden Plover dropping in with the Lapwing. Lesser White-fronted Goose with Canada Geese, 500 Wigeon, 19 Redshank, 3 Snipe, 200 Teal , note that many of the ducks moved to the Severn in the afternoon.

Ox Piece

Two Whooper Swans and the Pink-footed Goose with the Canada Goose flock.


Water Rail in the Marsh Garden, a pair of Goldeneye in with the captive Eider ducks/Goldeneye, a flock of Siskin roaming and a Chiffhcaff. Little Egret in the Matrix.

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