Osprey seen again
An Osprey was seen again this morning, in flight low past the Kingfisher Hide
An Osprey was seen again this morning, in flight low past the Kingfisher Hide. Also here this morning were three Cattle Egret and several Yellow Wagtail (photo) amongst the herd of longhorn cattle. More Yellow Wagtail can be found on the Dumbles with the cattle here, viewed from the Summer Walkway.
The Reserve Team are working on the Top New Piece today, outside the Zeiss Hide, restoring some islands out on the scrape, and cutting the reedbed rides ready for winter sightings of Bittern and Water Rail. We're joined today by staff from local company Bennett Cranes, who support the habitat restoration work on the reserve.
Kingfisher Hide
Three Cattle Egret moved here to the Bottom New Piece this morning and were still feeding amongst the cattle by lunchtime. The Osprey was seen in flight heading south past the Kingfisher Hide.
Middle Point
A nice selection of waders on the estuary including three Grey Plover, two Curlew Sandpiper with 18 Ringed Plover and four Dunlin, a Greenshank, two juvenile Ruff, 71 Curlew plus more distant to the north, 2 juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit, two Little Stint and three Sanderling. Eight Wigeon looked to be new arrivals overnight, and also counted were 148 Shelduck plus two Cape Shelduck (or hybrids), two Grey Heron and five Little Egret. Four Yellow Wagtail and two Whinchat were on the cross fence.
Rushy Hide
Five Spotted Redshank, including one juvenile, were on the lower pond this morning along with a Greenshank, three Ruff, 14 Redshank, 77 Teal, a Grey Heron and seven Snipe. A juvenile Garganey and a Pintail were on the upper pond, best viewed from the Peng Observatory.
Estuary Tower
A flock of 300+ Starling and a few Yellow Wagtail were feeding amongst the cattle close to hide. Up to 16 Cranes were on the Dumbles by mid-morning.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Four juvenile Ruff were on the Tack Piece this morning, along with three Green Sandpiper.
South Lake
A Hobby was hunting over the deep lake this morning, and caught a Sand Martin before perching up to eat. A Little Grebe was amongst the duck on the deep lake. The Black-tailed Godwit flock were on the wader scrape along with 24 Ruff and a single Redshank.
Zeiss Hide
A small roosting flock of 22 Avocet were present this morning, along with two Spoonbill and three Cattle Egret. The latter moved over the hedge to the Bottom New Piece mid-morning. Also of note were two Green Sandpiper, four Pintail and five Ruff.