Our growing Crane families
After Kia & Chocolo successfully hatched two chicks on the Rushy in the last few days, we now have six Crane chicks across the reserve
After Kia & Chocolo successfully hatched two chicks on the Rushy in the last few days, we now have six Crane chicks across the reserve. This family continue to show well, as do Oakie & Sherbert with their two chicks on the Top New Piece, viewed from the Zeiss Hide.
Zeiss Hide
The drake Green-winged Teal was seen again on the Bottom New Piece mid-morning. This morning the male Crane, Oakie, was with the two chicks in front of the hide whilst the female, Sherbert, was off feeding on the Dumbles. Also seen this morning were a drake Garganey, 17 drake Gadwall, a drake Shoveler, 63 Shelduck, eight adult Avocet plus two chicks, these being a family who have walked from the Dumbles scrape at the Estuary Tower to raise their family on the freshwater Top New Piece. A Little Egret was stalking the margins and two immature Spoonbill were roosting at the north end.
Estuary Tower
More Avocet chicks this morning with at least 12 counted along with 34 adults. Three Oystercatcher were arond the scrape, with another pair on the saltpan to the south. A pair of Cranes were near the scrape, Monty & Evie, and our four unringed Cranes who arrived yesterday were also present, along with our lone female Sedge.
Middle Point
A good high tide roost with at least nine Grey Plover, 24 Curlew, a single Turnstone plus a mixed flock of several hundred Dunlin and Ringed Plover, with at least 49 Sanderling mixed in.
Summer Walkway
A Golden Plover was again on the Tack Piece this morning, along the channel near the pillbox.
South Lake
A total of 57 adult Avocet and at least eight chicks were on the wader scrape this morning, along with a flock of 79 Black-tailed Godwit. Two second-calendar year Mediterranean Gull were on the causeway amongst the Black-headed Gulls, and the deep lake held eight Tufted Duck, a Mute Swan pair with five cygnets, and the pair of Great Crested Grebe.
Rushy Hide
The pair of Little Ringed Plover have two chicks close to the hide, with the parents ever watchful for danger, and the Crane pair were on the nesting island with their two chicks. Other totals included 40 Avocet, ten Tufted Duck, a Mute Swan pair with seven cygnets, 12 drake Gadwall and an Oystercatcher.