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Paramotor problems

A paramotor caused widespread disturbance this morning across the reserve.

A paramotor caused widespread disturbance this morning across the reserve.

The paramotor passed low over the reserve, coming over the Top New Piece and then the Estuary Tower, before spiralling down lower over the Tack Piece. The paramotor then moved off north flying low along the seawall flying just high enough to pass over the field gates. Needless to say all birds on the Top New Piece, Tack Piece and Hundred Acre were sent into panic with many seeking refuge on the estuary. A few flushed from the north settled on the southern fields, including the White-fronted Geese.

Estuary Tower
A Chiffchaff was singing this lunchtime from the Decoy Wood, whilst on the Dumbles scrape were two Curlew including head-started bird 40. Another flock of 69 Curlew were on the riverbank including another two head-started birds but these being too far to read the rings. The White-fronted Goose flock eventually settled back to grazing on the Dumbles. Two Pink-footed Geese were reported with them, but the birds could not be found later.

Zeiss Hide
The Top New Piece held 39 Avocet this morning along with 71 Dunlin. The only duck to settle back here after the paramotor were two pairs of Wigeon and 97 Teal. A Cetti's Warbler and Reed Bunting were singing in the reedbed below the hide and a Water Rail was seen.

Kingfisher Hide
A Kingfisher was sat to right of the nesting bank this morning and a Water Rail was heard.

South Lake
At least 366 Black-tailed Godwit were huddled on the island this morning on a frozen wader scrape. The Cattle Egret arrived later in the day, joined again by a Little Egret.

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