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Barred Warbler still, and now a Pectoral Sandpiper joins the party

Another day and another scarce bird, this time its a first-winter Pectoral Sandpiper on the South Lake

A first-winter Pectoral Sandpiper was on the South Lake this morning with the Black-tailed Godwit flock. The bird was showing well on the wader scrape islands. The Barred Warbler was also seen again this morning from the Estuary Tower.

Migration is definitely in the air, and around the hedgerows. There has been a notable increase in Goldcrest around the reserve today, with lots of calling birds with mixed tit flocks. Plenty of Chiffchaff too, and seemingly an increase in Blackbird. A few Redwing flocks have been passing overhead, along with Siskin, Skylark, Meadow Pipit and alba wagtails.

South Lake
The first-winter Pectoral Sandpiper was found by our volunteer Roberta Goodall - the third time she has found the species on the reserve, claiming three of the last four records. The bird this morning was showing well alongside two Snipe, in amongst a flock of 155 Black-tailed Godwit

Robbie Garnett Hide
Duck numbers are definitely increasing with Wigeon increasing from around 40 on the Tack Piece yesterday, to 172 this morning. There are also several hundred Teal present, making the most of the wetter fields following yesterday's rain. Also of note were nine Curlew, including a colour-marked bird, and ten Snipe.

Rushy Hide
Three Spotted Redshank and four Redshank were at the back of the lower pond. Closer to the hide were a flock of 46 Black-tailed Godwit, along with eight Snipe, and a single Pintail hidden in the flock of Teal.

Middle Point
The high tide roost this morning including three Curlew Sandpiper, two Little Stint, 483 Dunlin, 14 Ringed Plover, four Black-tailed Godwit, four Golden Plover and an adult Sanderling. A first calendar-year Yellow-legged Gull was amongst a roost of 17 Great Black-backed Gull and a few Herring Gull.

Estuary Tower
The Barred Warbler was seen and heard again this morning from the copse in front of the hide. The photo above was a great capture by our volunteer Jonathan Bull. Out on the Dumbles, a Peregrine was hunting keeping a flock of 35 Golden Plover in the skies. Eight Crane were on the Dumbles.

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