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Pink-footed Geese arrive

A group of four Pink-feet were on the Bottom New Piece this morning

A group of four Pink-footed Geese were on the Bottom New Piece this morning with a small flock of Canada Geese.

Our White-fronted Goose flock have continued to be elusive today. Two birds were seen on the Bottm New Piece along with the Pink-feet but soon moved off. A visitor reported hearing the rest of the flock near the canal.

Zeiss Hide
A Merlin was seen again this morning, sat on the fence to the south. A mixed flock of Dunlin, Lapwing and Golden Plover were on the Top New Piece being flushed by Marsh Harrier, Peregrine and a Goshawk was seen over the reedbed too.

Kingfisher Hide
The four Pink-footed Geese were in the Bottom New Piece, which included three adults and a juvenile.

South Lake
The eight Cattle Egret were present early morning but departed to feed in the fields towards the village. On the wader scrape and deep lake were 73 Teal, four Dunlin, 1000+ Lapwing, 26 Shoveler, two Wigeon, 143 Tufted Duck, 49 Pochard and six Cormorant. There was no sign of any Goldeneye so far, but birds have been seen locally so may be moving around the area.

Estuary Tower
A Peregrine was hunting the Top New Piece and Dumbles this morning. A pair of Cranes flew over from inland and continued out across river, and in the other direction were four Bullfinch who flew in off river and headed for the Decoy.

On the Dumbles there were two Dark-bellied Brent Geese and the Ross's Goose with the Canada and Barnacle flock on riverbank. As the tide rose this morning birds of note included 39 Pintail, 13 Wigeon and eight Shelduck on the water, and ten Curlew, five Great Black-backed Gull, three Cormorant and two Grey Heron in roost.

On the Long Ground Pool were 31 Pochard, 14 Tufted Duck, ten Shelduck, three Gadwall, nine Shoveler and a female Pintail. A small flock of 48 Wigeon were on the Pillbox Pool.

Robbie Garnett Hide
The Marsh Harrier was back and forth this morning flushing the birds as it past. One the field and floodwater were at least 19 Ruff and 14 Redshank with the Lapwing and Dunlin flock, plus around 3000 duck made up of Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler and Pintail.

Rushy Hide
At least 64 Bewick's Swans on site today, with a couple of new arrivals this morning.

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