Pintail on Estuary
Nice to see some newly arrived Pintail on the estuary.
Lots of Chiffchaff, a few Blackcaps and the odd Willow Warbler around the site.
Kingfisher Hide
Good birding here with a large flock of Greylag feeding in the stubble field along with 11 of our 13 resident Cranes including the unringed bird. Flocks of starling here as well and the resident Barnacle Geese in the adjacent field.
cattle Egret showing well among the Longhorns also a Buzzard, 347 Teal and a Heron. The only wader was a single Ruff but i am sure this will change as the Godwits move into here to feed during the day.
South Lake
Good Duck numbers with Teal 65 and Shoveler 47. As always great for waders with Lapwing 163, Ruff 11, Black Tailed Godwit 180, Redshank 21 at least 10 Snipe and 40 Sand Martin over the lake. watch out for the Garganey that was seen from the Hogarth Hide last night.
Tack Piece
Teal 92, Black tailed Godwit 3, Green Sandpiper 1 and a Kingfisher from the Knott Hide
Nice rising tide created a bit of movement, 20 Dunlin were seen distantly, 110 Curlew and 103 Shelduck scattered across the mud, 4 Pintail were looking very alert quite possibly just arrived, 2 Heron, 3 Little Egret but best of all was a distant Seal. A wheatear was on the cross fence a Yellow Wagtail with the cattle and 2 Raven flew over.
Another Pintail here with 63 Teal a Snipe and 3 Ruff.