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Post Wild Winter Event update

Thank you to all who attended the Wild Winter Event last weekend, we were very fortunate to have two splendid winter days and clear visibility. The ice and frost didn't linger all day which allowed the winter birds to feed once it had thawed a little. We have been rather busy this week as well as experiencing a number of fogged in days. Updates have been postponed until now.

Highlights and counts from the hide round today and previous days as follows

South Lake

The Cattle Egret has been present daily but we have no news for today. The deep lake has been very busy during the cold weather of the last 5-6 days, a pair of Goldeneye were present on the 18th with the female having been seen here to the 21st at least.Two or three Oytsercatcher have been regular on the islands and causeways with fluctuating numbers of Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and Lapwing. A ratio of 77 male and 24 female Pochard on the deep lake this morning with plenty of Tufted Duck.

Rushy Hide

At least 91 Bewick's Swans over the weekend but some birds roosting or spending more time on the Tack Piece or staying out to later at the end of the day. The female Goldeneye has been visiting the pond and is very easy to overlook as it spends much of the time underwater. A ratio of 53 male Pochard and 16 females was noted this morning.

Kingfisher Hide/Bottom New Piece

Eight Pink-footed Geese, 125 Russian White-fronted Geese, 4 Greylag, 250 Lapwing and a Little Grebe that has returned to a breeding territory. Five Roe Deer were noted here yesterday.

Zeiss Hide

Bittern and Marsh Harrier at 10:50am, many brief sightings of Marsh Harrier this week, we probably still have two in the area. Other counts included 102 Wigeon, 7 Greylag, Cetti's Warbler, 50 Lapwing, 300 Teal, 2 Canada Geese. The Bittern was also seen on Monday 21st January.

Willow Hide

Three Water Rail under the feeders.

Estuary Tower

66 Canada Geese, 420 Wigeon, 147 Barnacle Geese, Bar-headed Goose + hybrids (Snow x Bar-headed). Fox activity has been busy with up to three seen on 21st.

Robbie Garnett Hide/Tack Piece

482 Canada Geese, 298 Wigeon, 18 Ruff, 8 Greylag, 500 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 12 Shoveler, 8 Pintail and 24 Shelduck.

Martin Smith Hide/Tack Piece

4 Snipe on the cut rush islands.

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