Rapid thaw and peak Bewick's Swan count
The cold spell has broken, a rapid thaw has opened the door to waders and wildfowl around the reserve
The cold spell has broken, a rapid thaw has opened the door to waders and wildfowl around the reserve.
Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory
After yesterday's count of 105 Bewick's Swans we noted a least 103 at the roost site this morning. We have 25 cygnets (juveniles) including a family group with four young. With the warmer weather the swans have been venturing out to the fields with many choosing the Tack Piece which is beginning to flood in the middle. No sign of the Greater Scaup here today but good numbers of duck still remain on the ponds. A single Black-tailed Godwit and a few Lapwing were seen.
Tack Piece
The flood puddle in the middle of the field has begun to fill, it has attracted many birds already with at least five Redshank and 7 Curlew back on the field to feed. The Wigeon have also returned with 680 back to graze, a few Teal, Gadwall and Pintail were also on the flood. A flock of 173 Canada Geese also had one of the two Barnacle x Greylag hybrids and the Snow Goose in tow.
Van de Bovenkamp Hide/Tin Shed Ground
A flock of Greylags had a Bar-headed Goose with them.
Estuary Tower
A Peregrine on the driftwood and a Marsh Harrier was seen a few times, the latter also noted from many of the hides. Flocks of 69 and 60 Canada Geese were at each end of the Dumbles, the Barnacle Goose flock had the Ross' Goose, a Barnacle x Greylag hybrid and the Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrid.
Top New Piece
At least 14 Ruff, single Black-tailed Godwit, 150 Dunlin, a few, Snipe Lapwing and Golden Plover plus 110 Wigeon and 70 Teal.
Kingfisher Hide/Bottom New Piece
Distant views of Brent Goose, features match with Pale-bellied, this was among 333 Canada Geese this morning and can be tricky to find due its diminutive size. It was on the Dumbles yesterday but largely hidden or distant. A few Ruff, Lapwing, Dunlin and 90 Wigeon Wigeon were coming back to feed on the flood and field. The Four Score Ground had 98 Russian White-fronted geese feeding in the winter wheat.
South Lake
The Bittern was seen again this morning, usual place along the far shore from Discovery Hide, 4 Black-tailed Godwit, Shoveler, Gadwall and Teal feeding on the wader scrape, 40 Pochard and Tufted Duck sheltering along the East shore. A drake Goosander visited around midday. No sightings of the Greater Scaup here either, perhaps it's off site today?