Red Kites are about
Perhaps six or more Red Kites were noted over the site today.
Red Kites
We have joined many other Southern England sites in experiencing Red Kites on the move, a few fields have been cut this week which also attracts this species. A wing tagged bird (tags not read) went over South Lake early morning, it or another flew over the Tack Piece at 0915, 2-3 were seen soaring and gradually making their way NE along the canal and two were seen on the afternoon Wild Safari.
Top New Piece
A pair of Teal, 1 Dunlin, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Redshank, 3 Lapwing, 39 Gadwall, 100+ feeding Swift's over the marsh and fields, 21 Avocet, 4 drake and 2 duck Shoveler.
Bottom New Piece
A pair of Cranes with young strayed into the marsh and were 'attended' by 7 defensive Lapwing and 4 Redshank, this was a good sign, it suggests there are chicks hidden out there to defend. The Crane family also wandered to the Dumbles.
Middle Point
Cuckoo singing in the distance to the NE, 20 Swift and 2 Swallow feeding over, Sedge and Reed Warbler singing + Reed Bunting. A split flock of 23 Dunlin and 18 Ringed Plover and c40 of the same mixed species seen on the ebb tide.
Cuckoo singing in Canoe Trail area, also heard at South Finger.
Estuary Tower
Three immature Spoonbills moved from Top New Piece to roost on estuary foreshore, three Whimbrel, 25 Ringed Plover, 2 Curlew, 27 Great Black-backed Gulls and 2 Barnacle Geese among the birds at the high tide roost.
South Lake
2çy Little Gull and 2 Common Tern among the roosting Gulls earlier but a flyover Red Kite flushed them. Three 2cy Mediterranean Gulls, Teal, 43 Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher + chicks, Little-ringed Plover and nesting Avocets. The Crane pair Ruby and the unringed male have hatched at least one chick.
Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory
On the rounds-2cy Mediterranean Gull, pair of mating Little-ringed Plover, pair of Cranes with 2 chicks, 50+ Avocets, 43 Gadwall.
Tack Piece- Red Kite at 0915 + Black-headed Gulls, Shelduck, Avocets and Gadwall on the scrape.