Russian White-fronted Goose increase and a few more Bewick's Swans
Further arrivals overnight
The Bottom New Piece held all the 'White-fronts' early this morning before they started to visit the Dumbles, a count of 76 Russian 'White-front's' was made with the three Greenland 'White-front's' with them for good measure. Other sightings in this area included nine Gadwall (rather scarce here this month) and the hedges held a number of Redwing, a flock of c30 Chaffinch and a few Siskins in the Alders.
Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece
Marsh Harrier seen here today as well as other parts of the reserve, 250 Dunlin, c350 Teal.
South Lake
32 Shelduck, 73 Shoveler, 70 Tufted Duck, 2 Pochard, Great Cretsed Grebe, 340 Dunlin (500 reported later), 95 Teal, 90 Lapwing, 8 Black-tailed Godwit.
Estuary Tower
Ringed Plover on the foreshore (late record), 47 Great Black-backed Gull in the roost, Ross's Goose with Barnacle Geese, the Todd's Canada Goose was reported on the Dumbles. Three male Bullfinch in the hedge below the hide and a Chiffchaff.
Rushy Hide
42 Bewick's Swans at dawn (possibly 44 later), Avocet, 5 Dunlin, 2 Snipe, drake Mandarin, 117 Shelduck, 50 Pintail, 45 Lapwing, 67M 7F l Pochard, 200+ Tufted Duck, Todd's roosted with 360 Canada Geese but they have now dispersed to the fields.