New bus service launching this summer, with access to WWT Slimbridge. Find out more.

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Saturday 27th Octobers Sightings


Pintail 25
Teal 70
Snipe 1
Redshank 1
Grey Wagtail 1

Holden and Walkway

Whitefronted Goose 1 ad 2 juvs
Wigeon 70
Teal 250
Curlew 46
Snipe 1
Peregrine 2
Chiffchaff 1 (withy bed)
Fieldfare 12 passing over

South Lake

Pochard 14
Tufted Duck 63
Shoveler 50
Lapwing 201
Dunlin 6
Black Tailed Godwit 20
Redshank 2
Snipe 1
Crane 7 flying over.

Zeiss Hide

Teal 560
Lapwing 290
Golden Plover 96
Redshank 6
Dunlin 40
Peregrine 2

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