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Scrapes looking good for the wader festival

Green Sandpiper and a trio of Spotted Redshanks

Rushy Hide

The juvenile Little-ringed Plover remains and at least 7 Ruff, 1 Green Sandpiper, 3 Redshank and 12 Lapwing were on the lower pond. The Teal flock fluctuates in number as does the top pond wildfowl numbers. The roofing activities on the Scott House can cause short term disturbance.

Tack Piece

At least 8 Ruff, 1 Avocet, three Spotted Redshank, 60 Teal and the Yellow Wagtail flock present during the day.

Middle Point

Adult Yellow-legged Gull, a Whinchat and c70 Curlew noted.

South Lake

Apologies but seasonal work began here today and will continue tomorrow. The scrape still held birds to mid afternoon with 60 Lapwing, 10 Ruff, an Avocet, 98 Black-tailed Godwit and a Green Sandpiper. The deep lake was unaffected.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

A Garganey, 10 Wigeon, 5 Pintail and 400+ Teal present on the flood. Single Avocet, single Black-tailed Godwit, a few Snipe and a juvenile Ruff.

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