Please note, on 15th January our Living Wetland Theatre bird demonstration is planned to take place at a different time of 2.30pm.

Close alert

September WeBS count and sightings

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS).

Again, no sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs today.

Peaks Counts for today's WeBS

18 Cormorant
11 Little Egret
4 Grey Heron
65 Mute Swan
425 Greylag Goose
75 Canada Goose
150 Barnacle Goose
141 Shelduck
142 Wigeon
42 Gadwall
476 Teal
564 Mallard
1 Pintail
67 Shoveler
5 Pochard
109 Tufted Duck
2 Water Rail
68 Moorhen
68 Coot
1 Avocet
5 Grey Plover
62 Lapwing
10 Ringed Pover
98 Black-tailed Godwit
4 Bar-tailed Godwit
138 Curlew
3 Knot
21 Ruff

9 Curlew Sandpiper
350 Dunlin
1 Little Stint
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Green Sandpiper
18 Redshank
9 Snipe
3 Kingfisher
9 Little Grebe
481 Black-headed Gull
12 LBB Gull
44 Herring Gull
8 GBB Gull

Other sightings included

Siskin and Redpoll at the South Finger

6+ Blackcap from Willow Hide.

Cranes on the Dumbles.

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