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Sightings for the last day of January 2024

Tack Piece

223 Russian White-fronted Geese roosted on the Tack Piece with single Barnacle and Snow Goose. Fifteen Bewick's Swans roosted.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

99 Bewick's Swan roosted with a Whooper Swan at dawn. Another single Bewick's and Whooper Swan were in the entrance road fields.

Estuary Tower

Little Stint among the Dunlin and leucistic Lapwing with the Lapwing flock, juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Goose with Barnacle and Canada Goose flock + Ross's and the hybrids, Peregrine on the foreshore driftwood. Two Peregrine hunting this morning and the Marsh Harrier over the fields to the North.

South Lake

Pair of Goldeneye, three Cattle Egret early morning, 3 Ruff , 20 Dunlin, 5 Avocet, 2 Oystercatcher, Shoveler 72, Pochard 28 and Tufted Duck 78,

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide

47 Pintail, 120 Black Tailed Godwits, 362 Wigeon, 120 Dunlin, 152 Shoveler and 415 Teal.

Bottom New Piece from Kingfisher Hide

203 White Fronted Geese , 1200 Dunlin, 8 Ruff, 13 Snipe, 175 Lapwing, 183 Canada Geese.

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