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A spell of heavy snow settled early this morning, the reserve looked fabulous when the sun came out, it was thawing by early afternoon.

The snow caused some of our waders to disperse, Lapwing, Dunlin and Golden Plover numbers were down on recent days. The Curlew flock appeared in the road fields this afternoon with a single Avocet on the Rushy and small numbers of Black-tailed Godwit on South Lake. Over 3000 duck were 'rafting' on the Severn and the 77 Bewick's Swans chose to spend the day on the Severn sand banks. A count of 162 Russian White-fronted Geese included the Greenland and a Pink-footed Goose was also still with them. Continuing the goose theme, it was unusual to see the Dark-bellied Brent Goose in the Rushy this morning, it must have roosted with the Canada Geese.

Snowy images from today.

Bewick's Swans, Rushy, MJMcGill.jpg

Blue Tit, Willow Hide, MJMcGill.jpg

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