Please note, on 15th January our Living Wetland Theatre bird demonstration is planned to take place at a different time of 2.30pm.

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Some highlights from 25-27 August

Arctic Skua record count 25 August.

Seven rested off Middle Point as Storm Francis arrived on the Severn. A flock of 30 Common Tern appeared from the NE and stayed until the tide came in. An adult and juvenile Arctic Tern were also about the estuary with a Little Tern seen upriver later in the day.

26 August

Two adult Grey Plover, 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 352 Ringed Plover, 217 Dunlin, 20 Sanderling, 2 Tursntone, a juvenile Bar-tailed Gdowt, 2 Knot on the estuary with 14 Knot on the Top New Piece.

27 August

The small wader flock is still in the estuary but distant with the lower tides. Flocks of Teal and Black-tailed Godwit headed out the estuary mud to feed during the rain. The Great White Egret was again showing superbly on the Pill Box Pool.

Check the link below for more counts and sightings

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