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Please note: Estuary Tower lift is currently out of order and Sloane Tower lift is limited to travel between 1st & 2nd floors. Our otters are currently not viewable from their main exhibit due to maintenance on the boardwalk, but can still be seen from their house. Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.


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South Lake wader scrape islands project

Our latest project involved a contractor and large excavator and dumper as well as our own tractor and mower. from 14-16 October 2024 we were able to create four new islands on the wader scrape and add stone, add extra stone to the duck marsh islands, clear out the boat launch bays, repair a section of the north causeway plus finish the late season hay cut. We re-mowed the causeways and rides, strimmed the shore line and planted a few more large juncus plants for duck brood cover.

It's now ready to receive the waders over the weekend and coming week. This task was challenging due to the very wet weather. We drained the lake down to track out but yesterday's deluge has topped it back up again.

SL Excavator 0ct 24.jpg

South Lake Excavator Work Oct 24 (3)_edited-1.jpg

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