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Spoonbill and Black Tern

The Spoonbill that arrived yesterday afternoon is still present but very mobile, it has been seen on the Dumbles, Rushy, Middle Point and Top New Piece. A national influx of Black Terns today produced our first of the year, a breeding plumage adult spent the day on the South Lake.

Rushy Hide

Goshawk over S late morning, the second calendar year Mediterranean Gull was among the Black-headed Gulls and 16 Avocet were on the lower pond.

Martin Smith Hide

Two singing Sedge Warblers

Tack Piece

Two male Teal, two Lapwing, 10 Tufted Duck, 6 Gadwall and a few Wigeon.

Middle Point

A Grey Plover, the Spoonbill until the tide came in and Yellow Wagtail.

South Lake

Single drake Garganey called in a couple of times, the Black Tern was present to at least 4pm, 10 Avocet were on the scrape.

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide

Singing Cuckoo, 187 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 breeding plumage male Ruff, 26 Avocet, pair of Wigeon, 7 pairs of Teal, 10 Shoveler, 5+ singing Reed Warblers.

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