Spring wader migration
A few more spring migrant waders on the estuary this morning, including our first Greenshank of the year
A few more spring migrant waders on the estuary this morning, including our first Greenshank of the year. There looks to have been an increase in Ringed Plover too, with 51 counted this morning so far.
Kingfisher Hide
The pair of Kingfisher are busy again around the pond this morning. Three White-fronted Geese were on the Bottom New Piece field.
South Lake
A flock of 43 Avocet were on the wader scrape, along with 490 Black-tailed Godwit and two pairs of Oystercatcher. A drake Pochard and 17 Tufted Duck were on the deep lake with three Cormorant perched on the rails. At least 31 Shoveler were across the pools, and three Common Gull dropped in.
Knott Hide
Two singing Willow Warbler were in the trees near the hide, and a singing Reed Bunting was in the reedbed around the Pillbox Pool. Four pairs of Tufted Duck and drake Pochard were on the pool.
Estuary Tower
A pair of Cranes (Kia & Chocolo) were with their juvenile to north in the arable field. Another four unringed adult Cranes flew past the hide heading north. Out on the estuary were a flock of 51 Ringed Plover, 25 Dunlin and a single Sanderling. Closer to the hide on and around the scrape were the Greenshank, a Black-tailed Godwit, 25 Avocet, a pair of Oystercatcher, a single Ruff, 17 Redshank, a pair of Shoveler, 38 Wigeon, a pair of Pintail, 99 Teal, 34 Shelduck and 40 Curlew .
Robbie Garnett Hide
Two Pintail were on the floodwater along with 66 Shoveler, four Redshank, 13 Curlew, 47 Wigeon, 96 Black-tailed Godwit, a pair of Oystercatcher, 124 Teal and a pair of Gadwall.
Martin Smith Hide
Two Snipe were on the left hand island.
Rushy Hide
A group of 20 Avocet and a Black-tailed Godwit were on the lower pond. Two Snipe were on the floodwater on the back meadow, and two Pochard were on the upper pond with 11 Tufted Duck.