Still largely frozen but helping birds through it
The cold spell continues with night temperatures set to drop lower before the week is out. A thaw begins this weekend.
As we've reported on our Twitter news feed the majority of the birds are to be found on South Lake, Rushy, Big Pen and the estuary although the goose flocks seems to be providing some opportunities for a few species.
The 1cy Greater Scaup continues on site, it was in the Rushy this morning but did move to the South Lake yesterday, it probably spent the day loafing in the willows behind the islands. A few Goldeneye continue to display and hang around with the collection birds, look out for them on the fenced pond on the South West side of the Big Pen.
Bewick's Swan numbers have increased to 59, another family of three and a single parent with one cygnet arrived today. Around 1000-1500 birds have been using the Rushy.
The Bittern has shown daily from the South Lake, Discovery hide, it's favoured spot the willow/sedge lined shore on the East side of the deeper unfrozen lake. A Marsh Harrier was fighting with a Buzzard during the morning, there must be some carrion nearby.
With lower tides and poor visibility the estuary has been tricky to view, 800-1000 duck seem to be using the tidal pools and foreshore.
The Dumbles attracted 270 Canada Geese (including the leucistic bird), 24 Barancle Geese and the Snow x Bar-headed Goose as well as a few Golden Plover, at least 120 were in the Goose House Ground yesterday.
Russian White-fronted Geese have been using the fields between the hides and canal so often out of view, 95+ were grazing the the Tin Shed Ground yesterday and may return today, a Black-tailed Godwit, six Snipe and c70 Lapwing were on the field when a male Goshawk flew over and into the grounds.
The grounds have a couple of Chiffchaff, Lesser Redpolls, Greenfinch and Siskin visiting trees.
Kingfishers have been much in evidence in any open water, it's worth remembering that they are finding it hard to fish at the moment, please give them the space to feed if you encounter them.