Still waiting
We're still waiting to try and work out exactly what is going on with one of our Kingfisher pairs
We're still waiting to try and work out exactly what is going on with one of our Kingfisher pairs, the pair from the Kingfisher Hide. The parents successfully fledged at least four chicks a few days ago and have been showing all the signs of going again for a second brood. A few times we have thought the pair now may be incubating, but this morning they were mating again outside the nest bank. Watch this space!
Zeiss Hide
One of the drake Garganey was on the gravel island near hide this morning. Also seen were 28 Avocet, 4 Redshank, the Spoonbill (still asleep), 7 Gadwall, a drake Wigeon, four drake Shoveler, 40 Shelduck, a Little Egret and four Swift battling the wind to find breakfast.
South Lake
A total of 25 Avocet and 64 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape this morning. The pair of Oystercatcher outside the Hogarth Hide were both roosting with no sign of the chicks. A Little-ringed Plover was on the wader scrape and appeared to be settling to a nest. The area also held 32 Shelduck. A pair of Little Grebe with at least one chick, a Great Crested Grebe and 3 Cormorant were on the deep lake.
Kingfisher Hide
The female Kingfisher arrived at nest bank calling and the male came out of nest hole to greet her. They attempted to mate but he got displaced by a gust of wind. A pair of Crane (Oakie and Sherbert) in Bottom New Piece, a Little Grebe was down the channel, and singing birds included a male Cuckoo and 3 Cetti’s Warbler from hide.
Rushy Hide
The Rushy held 26 Gadwall, 41 Avocet, a Mediterranean Gull and 2 Shoveler this morning.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Two Cranes were on the Tack Piece this morning, Sedge and an unringed bird. Also on the field were 48 Barnacle Geese, 6 Wigeon, 5 Avocet and a Redshank. A Jay was also seen along the Holden Walkway.
Summer Walkway
A Kestrel was at Middle Point whilst out on the river were 7 Oystercatcher, a Lapwing with 3 chicks and 3 Ringed Plover along with a flock of around 30 medium sized waders up towards Hock Ditch to the north of the reserve. A Cuckoo was also heard.