Summer ducks and waders

The broods of duckling broods are growing well, and many of our drake ducks are in eclipse plumage, whilst waders are returning for the autumn

Many of our duckling broods are growing well, and many of our drake ducks are in eclipse plumage, including Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Tufted Duck and Shoveler. Alongside them are waders returning from breeding sites further north, with many of them now beginning their moult to winter plumage.

Zeiss Hide
A flock of 16 Dunlin were with the Lapwing flock this morning on the Top New Piece. A Green Sandpiper was also present.

Estuary Tower
Two Little Egret were on the Pillbox Pool this morning, with two more on the Long Ground Pool along with a Grey Heron. A flock of 86 Curlew were still in the roost on the Dumbles riverbank this morning as the tide dropped, and three more Little Egret were on the estuary. A Yellow Wagtail flew over this morning.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A good count of 12 Green Sandpiper on the Tack Piece this morning.

Hogarth Hide
At least one adult Crane was seen this morning with one chick around the Duck Marsh.

South Lake
Two Spotted Redshank, five Little Ringed Plover (four juveniles), 41 Redshank, 11 male Ruff and 274 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape this morning. A Little Grebe and 60 Gadwall were on the deep lake.

Martin Smith Hide
A female Shoveler was with her brood of five well-grown ducklings this morning. They won't be far off fledging.

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