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Sun and Swans

A lovely sunny day with all the birds looking great in the sunshine


No departures overnight with some east in the wind so still 59 Bewick's on site. The Pintail still number over 80 and their has been a scattering of waders including single Dunlin, Snipe and redshank 2 Oystercatchers and the first pair of Avocet on the Rushy for me.

South Lake

very atmospheric in the mist and bright sunshine, there were 23 Avocet and 90 Black Tailed Godwit about 200 Lapwing and a scattering of Dunlin and Snipe,. No Sign yet of the Mediterranean Gulls but hundreds of Black Heads and Herring to search among, Lots of busy Shoveler feeding and some very close Teal.

Holden Tower and Tack Piece

The Whitefronted Geese have shown well here all day still at least 130 so no major departures yet. There were several hundred Wigeon, 36 Shoveler and a scattering of Teal, Pochard and Tufted Ducks. A good mix of waders with several hundred Lapwing a scattering of Redshank, and Lapwing and nearly 40 Curlew. A flock of Golden Plover slowly built to around 300. Up to 9 Cranes on the Dumbles with 270 Barnacle Geese and a pair of Peregrines.

Zeiss Hide

The high tide pushed 178 Dunlin in and 9 Redshank. A scattering of Snipe are still to be found among the short rush and along the water edge. Only 210 Lapwing but the first signs of territorial behaviour. A close motionless Heron was just in-front of the hide. A pair of Oystercatchers and a dozen Avocet from mid-day. A Little Grebe was on the Kingfisher pool but no early activity from the Kingfishers.

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