Sunday 26 June sightings
South Lake
It's a really good spot for waders at the moment, we were forced to use part of the deep lake level to save the wader scrape from drying up last week, judging by the wader species present they've been appreciative.
Two very smart breeding plumage Spotted Redshanks (pictured MJM), three breeding plumage male Ruff (one of which also fed on the Dumbles scrape this morning), 25 Redshank, (numbers building up post breeding and arriving to moult), 3 each of Oystercatcher and Lapwing, 63 Black-tailed Godwit and two of Spoonbills spent the high tide period roosting here (later seen on the estuary). Eight Teal, 9 Shelduck and a Shoveler joined the Gadwall. 260 Black-headed Gulls had 24 fledged juveniles among them.
Top New Piece
A large gathering of 85 Avocet, 15 Teal, 15 Redshank (two fledged juveniles), 13 Lapwing, two Cranes, singing Reed Buntings and Reed Warblers and the House Martins and Swallows had 20+ Swift and 10+ Sand Martin among their ranks as they fed over the marsh.
Rushy Hide
Single Avocet, 2 Redshank, Lapwing, moulting flock of Gadwall, a few Teal and Shelduck.
Estuary Tower
A breeding plumage male Ruff (third individual on site today, moved to South Lake) and Lapwing on the scrape.
Long Ground Pool
Three Little Egret and Grey Heron.
Pill Box Pool
Little Egret and Green Sandpiper.
Tack Piece- 5 pairs Avocet, 2 Green Sandpiper and 4 Lapwing