Sunday 7 November WeBS Count
Totals for the whole reserve were as follows
Cormorant 16
Little Egret 10
Great White Egret 2 (3 today 8 November)
Grey Heron 12
Bittern 1
Crane 6
Mute Swan 161
Bewick's Swan 5
Black Swan 1
Russian White-fronted Geese 10
Greenland White-fronted Geese 3
Greylag 461
Canada Goose 555
Barnacle Goose 231
Ross's Goose 1
Snow x Bar-headed Goose 1
Barnacle x Greylag 1
Canada x Greylag 1 possibly 2
unknown hybrid white/grey thing 1
Spoonbill 1
Dark-bellied Brent 1
Mnadarin 1
Shelduck 281
Wigeon 370
Gadwall 6
Teal 1118
Mallard 619
Pintail 84
Shoveler 154
Pochard 78
Garganey 1
Tufted Duck 321
Water Rail 8
Moorhen 66
Coot 100
Avocet 1
Golden Plover 204
Grey Plover 10
Lapwing 504
Curlew 186
Black-tailed Godwit 75
Ruff 4
Dunlin 228 (although 400+ in the area this week)
Little Stint 4
Spotted Redshank 2
Redshank 4
Snipe 6
Little Grebe 5
Great Crested Grebe 2