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Sunday birding highlights

The good wader watching continues with variety and differing ages, races and plumage to get your teeth into. Highlights from around the reserve today included..

South Lake

This morning at least we had 63+ Dunlin, 2 Red Knot, 202 Black-tailed Godwit, 34 Redshank, 11 Ruff, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 juvenile Avocet on the wader scrape and the causeways and islands on deep lake were busy with Greylag and moulting duck and 2 Green Sandpiper + juvenile Greenshank from Hogarth Hide. An adult Mediterranean Gull was among the Black-headed Gulls.

Top New Piece

116 Lapwing, 31 Avocet (over high tide)+ pair with 4 young, Little-ringed Plover, 18 Teal, 25+ Gadwall, Grey Heron, 3 Pied Wagtail and 2 Buzzard. Two Marsh Harrier were reported.

Rushy Hide

91 Black-tailed Godwit plus a Red Knot earl afternoon + 10 Green Sandpiper among the birds present.

Tack Piece

Greenshank (flew off to the estuary later) and at least 6 Green Sandpiper and 3 Lapwing.

Middle Point

Six Avocet, 2 Ringed Plover, 13 Dunlin, 2 Oystercatcher, c50 Curlew, 5 Little Egret and 10 Great Black-backed Gull.

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