Sunny Sunday following a soggy Saturday

A few more new birds on the reserve today, read on for sightings.

Marsh Harriers and Peregrine

At least one probably two Marsh Harrier ranging the reserve and the Top New Piece and Dumbles in particular. The long staying immature Peregrine was hunting over the Rushy this afternoon and on posts on the Dumbles this morning.


One flew over the Tack Piece hedge to the Goose House/Ox Piece ditch this morning.

Tack Piece

Little-ringed Plover, Common and 7 Green Sandpiper, juvenile Shelduck, 2 Teal and 3 Shoveler

Rushy Hide

Five male Ruff (at least eight males on site, pictured recently), 3 Spotted Redshank, 11 Redshank, 9 Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, 9 Gadwall + Shelduck brood

South Lake

Four Pochard, 56 Gadwall plus Teal, Shoveler and Tufted Duck on the deep lake section, Tufted Duck and Gadwall broods on the Duck Marsh from Hogarth Hide. On the wader scrape and causeways- an adult and juvenile Dunlin, 14 Redshank, 3 Ruff, 3 Green Sandpiper, Avocet, 289 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Oystercatcher, 63 Lapwing and two Mediterranean and 200+ Black-headed Gulls.

Middle Point

A Turnstone with 84 Dunlin but probably moved to the Top New Piece as a Turnstone is with a Dunlin flock on the island briefly before moving back to the estuary. 60+ Curlew, Shelduck and Black-headed Gulls feeding on the Severn

Top New Piece

Reed Warblers feeding young below Zeiss Hide, a few Swifts and Sand Martins among the feeding Swallows and House Martins + Little Grebe on the fleet.

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