Swifts at last
Swifts have finally arrived over the reserve and more Spring migrant action
A steady trickle of Swallows, House and Sand Martins with a few Swifts was of note today, at least nine of the latter fed over the fields late morning. Yellow Wagtails were also noted heading NE with five over and six grounded among the Tack Piece cattle at around 1pm, one was a 'blue-headed' type but not seen well enough to confirm if it was a hybrid or Blue-headed. At least four Wheatear were noted, two males on the Dumbles and two female in the Goose House ground as seen from the Shepherd's Hut hide. A Grashopper Warbler could also be heard from here. A single Common Sandpiper was feeding near the estuary tower. A flock of Cattle Egret were circling the southern end of the reserve this morning but chose to drop into fields just south of us, late afternoon five were flying over the entrance road fields.
Out on the estuary it was busy over the tide period, a flock of c 35 Bar-tailed Godwit roosted over high tide with c10 Ringed Plover, 10 Dunlin, 2 Little Stint, 2 Grey Plover and 6 Whimbrel, other singles of Whimbrel and Bar-tailed Godwits were seen heading upriver with one of the latter visiting the 48 Black-tailed Godwits on the Top New Piece.
The Little-ringed Plovers were active on the Rushy where the Oystercatcher has settled on a nest, the Cranes are still incubating on the Top New Piece island.
See https://twitter.com/slimbridge_wild for a full list of sightings for today.