Thawed out
Many birds are returning to the shallow floods following the latest 'freeze-up'.
Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory
A catch of 14 Bewick's Swans was made on 27th January, a sample of our wintering birds to check on health, ring and release. The 'Rushy' looks fine with all birds carrying on as usual. The first winter drake Greater Scaup was still favouring the Swan pipe area with 65 Pochard also counted here mid-morning.
Tack Piece
Fifty five Snipe, 17+ Ruff and 8 Redshank among the increasing numbers of Golden Plover, Lapwing and Dunlin as they return to the floods after the cold spell. At least fifty five Russian White-fronted Geese were feeding near the Goose House this afternoon with three Cranes. 500+ Wigeon and c100 Teal were joined by 65 Pintail this morning. A Cetti's Warbler fed below Robbie Garnett Hide and c35 Linnet were in the field and along the hedges. The Snow Goose was here for much of the day.
South Lake
13 Black-tailed Godwits, 310 Lapwing, a single Golden Plover were on the wader scrape, 45 Pochard and 13 Cormorants on the deep lake section with 55 Shoveler on the duck marsh and scrape.
Top New Piece
132 Russian White-fronted Geese were drinking but dispersed to Four Score Ground, Bottom New Piece and Canal Ground by 09:15am, 250 Canada with Barnacle x Greylag hybrid, 212 Wigeon, 345 Teal, 9 Shoveler, Great Egret and a Marsh Harrier visited this morning.
Estuary Tower
Goshawk stooped on the ducks on the Long Ground Pool, it appeared to settle in the hedge but remained hidden.
The Dark-bellied Brent, the Ross's Goose, two Barnacle x Canada, a Barnacle x Greylag and Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrids. Two Redshank on the Dumbles scrape. What appears to be a/the returning Todd's Canada Goose on the seawall this afternoon.
A couple of Lesser Redpoll again with Little Egret in the matrix.