The plot thickens
This year's story of the Cranes took another turn this morning with a pair possibly reunited.
This year's story of the Cranes took another turn this morning with a pair possibly reunited. Monty was on the Tack Piece with Sedge (photo), who he had left to pair up with Evie earlier this Spring. It's at least the second time they've got back together, the last being in 2017 when Monty spent the Spring and Summer with Chip, before returning to Sedge in the Autumn.
South Lake
Waders on the wader scrape this morning included 13 Avocet, 49 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Little-ringed Plover (a pair and a lone bird) and 4 Oystercatcher. Sadly it looks as though both pairs have lost all their chicks. Just over the fence on the Big Pen there were three other pairs loudly displaying and chasing each other around. Another pair in the Big Pen now have a fully grown juvenile who is just on the verge of being able to fly. Back on the South Lake the deep lake held a brood of Shelduck, 3 Cormorant and a drake Teal.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Three Cranes were on the Tack Piece this morning, Monty and Sedge plus an unringed bird. It's not clear if this is one of the long-staying unringed adults or a juvenile from last year. On the scrape were four Avocet, two drake Wigeon, a pair of Oystercatcher, a Grey Heron and a Little Egret. At least 30 Barnacle Geese were grazing in the field.
Decoy Hide
A male Cuckoo was singing from wood to north of the hide whilst a second bird was heard singing from the Kingfisher Hide. Whilst out on the Wild Safari this afternoon, another two males were heard - so at least four singing males on the reserve today.
Zeiss Hide
A quieter Top New Piece than of late with 13 Gadwall, 9 Shoveler, 5 Redshank, 26 Avocet plus a single chick and a brood Shelduck noted.
Kingfisher Hide
The pair of Kingfishers were seen this morning before the female returned to the nest hole. A Cuckoo, two Cetti's Warblers and several Reed Warblers could all be heard singing in the area.