This Weeks Summary 28.11.20

This Weeks Summary 28.11.20

WWT Slimbridge remains closed for everyone but the birds, here is a quick update of whats been happening.

All about the Tack Piece

Rising water levels have created some excellent feeding and roosting conditions and easterly winds have meant that even more birds are here to enjoy it. The Tack Piece really is at its very best just now. Most striking has been the big influx of Wigeon. After the fog over the last 2 days finally lifted there was a carpet of over 3000 Wigeon feeding here. The Bewick Swan flock has risen slowly with a maximum of 13 this morning here and on the Rushy. Waders are every where with at least 800 Golden Plover, up to 2000 Lapwing using the Tack Piece on occasions and at least another 1000 scattered across just about every field on the reserve. Black Tailed Godwit are still around the 500 mark and have joined forces with over 200 Curlew. Several hundred Dunlin and smaller numbers of Ruff, Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Snipe complete the wader picture. Birds of prey are of course drawn to this great concentration of life. Two Peregrines are resident, the usual Buzzards, Sparrowhawks and regular flybys from at least 2 Marsh Harriers.

Of note else where

Several days of excellent Thrush passage early in the week with thousands of Fieldfares first followed by Redwing and even migrant Song Thrush and Blackbirds the next day. A Great White Egret was seen mid week and both Cattle and Little Egrets are roosting at the center. The Zeiss Hide has seen a gathering of over 700 Teal and at least 9 Cranes have been seen.

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