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Thunder and a downpour

A noticeably cooler day with a downpour this afternoon.

A noticeably cooler day with a downpour this afternoon.

South Lake
The Wood Sandpiper and Spotted Redshank were still present on the wader scrape this morning, the latter asleep in the flock of 255 Black-tailed Godwit. Also noted were a flypast Kingfisher heading for the deep lake, three Little-ringed Plover very close to the hide along with the usual Ruff and Redshank flock.

Zeiss Hide
At least two Garganey were hidden in amongst the Teal this morning, one has a very pale face leaving a distinctive zebra-like striping. Also hidding in the Teal was a drake eclipse plumage Wigeon. Wader included a summer-plumaged Golden Plover, later joined by a second bird, two adult Avocet, a Green Sandpiper, three Black-tailed Godwit, 73 Lapwing and a Snipe. Other duck included 136 Gadwall and 19 Shoveler. Four Yellow Wagtail were over the fence with the cattle in the Bottom New Piece.

Rushy Hide
Five Green Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper were on the lower pond this morning. The upper pond held three Shoveler and a Pochard. The Black-tailed Godwit flock moved to South Lake mid-morning.

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