Thursday 2 December sightings
Still plenty to look out for about the reserve as we slip into winter.
Estuary Tower
A Goshawk was hunting Rabbits along the seawall, two Brent Geese, presumably the Dark-bellied Geese that were seen in the Bottom New Piece yesterday were among the Canada and Barnacle Geese though distant, the Ross'Goose is still present. Out on the Severn small parties of Pintail totalled 12 birds, the Peregrine was on posts watching a flock of c80 Wigeon.
Rushy Hide
At least 48 Bewick's Swan included a new family with two cygnets, the drake Mandarin was still on the lake with 1000+ duck including our best gatherings of Shelduck, Pintail, Pochard and Tufted Duck. A flock Lapwing roosted with a few Dunlin.
Tack Piece
Flocks of Wigeon and Teal enjoying the ice free scrape, at least 23 Shoveler and 10 Pintail are with them.
Top New Piece
A Little Stint flew in, around and went back out towards the Tack Piece, it was frozen here this morning with one open area of water holding Teal but the Goshawk cleared them off. The Spoonbill roosted on one of the islands but flew out to the Severn to feed. A Kestrel flew past.
Spinney Wood near Zeiss Hide
Treecreeper, Goldcrests, Chiffchaff, Redwings and Long-tailed Tits as well as a flock of Chaffinch.
Late news for yesterday
A Bittern was reported from the Pill Box Pool area.