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Thursday's sightings

A very foggy start with poor visibility has quickly turned into a glorious blue sky.  Despite the fog several Yellow Wagtail were heard in flight over the site, and the hedgerows are filled with Chiffchaff and Blackcap.


South Lake Hides

Birds on the scrape included an Avocet, 96 Teal, 20 Redshank, 4 Ruff, 73 Black-tailed Godwit, 41 Lapwing and 3 Snipe.  An adult Great Crested Grebe and 31 Shoveler on were on the deep lake, with more birds hidden further back in the fog.

Zeiss Hide

Just over the fence on the Bottom New Piece were a Ruff, 91 Teal, 2 Snipe, a Pintail and a Wigeon.  On the Top New Piece were at least 421 Teal along with 5 Pintail, a Wigeon, 4 Black-tailed Godwit and an Avocet.  A Buzzard was sat in the field feeding on a carcass.

Robbie Garnett Hide

A flock of 15 Ruff were on the scrape in front of the hide along with 3 Spotted Redshank and 2 Redshank.  A flock of 64 Teal were on the island with a single Avocet.

Mid Point

This morning's Photo Safari tour saw a Peregrine catch a Pintail in the fog but dropped it in an early morning error.  Also seen were 2 Whinchat, a Wheatear, 3 Reed Bunting and 10 Meadow Pipit.

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