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Thursday's sightings

A Jack Snipe was asleep on the island from the Martin Smith Hide this morning, occasionally waking to feed and bounce.  Another big high tide pushed a nice selection of waders on to the Top New Piece.

Jack Snipe (c) S Petrek

Zeiss Hide

High tide counts included 217 Dunlin, a Little Stint, 2 Ringed Plover, 94 Golden Plover, 29 Redshank and 2 Ruff with over 100 Lapwing.  Several thousand duck and geese were on the Top New Piece including good numbers of Teal and Shoveler.  Out on the river floating downstream as the tide fell were at least 312 Wigeon and 39 Pintail plus several hundred Shelduck.

Mid Point

Several flocks of Curlew and Dunlin were moving to roost as the tide raced in this morning.  Also on the mud before it was inundated were a few Lapwing and a Grey Plover.  Another 3 Grey Plover were also seen later and a single Bar-tailed Godwit with the Curlew.  At least 7 Little Egret were noted.  A flock of 11 Cranes were on the Dumbles, including the two unringed adults of unknown origin.

Robbie Garnett Hide

A slightly quieter Tack Piece than in recent days with 98 Teal, a dozen Lapwing and 3 Black-tailed Godwit around the island.

Holden Tower

A Green Sandpiper was on the Pillbox Pool near the hide.

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