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Today's sightings

There is still a bit of a chill in the air but things are definitely a bit warmer than of late.  A couple of new Bewick's Swans were on the Rushy this morning with at least 82 birds on the reserve today in total.

Don't forget to check out our Wild Winter Weekend on 5-6 January 2019, a weekend celebrating the reserve and it's wildlife in winter with loads of special events.  More details here.


Zeiss Hide

A female Roe Deer trotted past the hide this morning heading north towards the Holden Tower.  The Golden Plover dropped in around 9am and the flock totaled 801 birds.  Most kept densely huddled in a flock amongst the Lapwing, occasionally lying down to hide from potential threats overhead.  The fog kept the Peregrine away and allowed other counts including 37 Snipe, 6 Ruff, 5 Pochard, 931 Lapwing, 2 Curlew, 559 Wigeon, 39 Pintail and a Grey Heron.  A Cetti's Warbler was calling from the reedbed and two pairs of Reed Bunting were foraging on the muddy track outside the front of the hide.

South Lake Hides

Most of the duck were hunkered down under the trees for cover this morning but counts included 55 Pochard and 15 Tufted Duck plus the Great Crested Grebe.  The perches and islands held 7 Cormorant whilst on the wader scrape were 150+ Lapwing and 22 Black-tailed Godwit.

Holden Tower and Walkway

The flock of 97 White-fronted Geese were in the Ox Piece this morning, viewable over the hedge to the north of the Tack Piece.  At least 10 Cranes were on the Dumbles.  The Water Rail was again showing at the Willow Hide, and another bird was seen at the Martin Smith Hide.

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