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Today's Sightings

Sightings from around the reserve today.

Rushy Hide

1 Green Sandpiper
1 Little Ringed Plover
Oystercatcher + 3 chicks
Avocet 18 + families of 2, 2, 1
Shelduck 6 + family of 6
1 Lapwing
2 Mediterranean gull

Tack Piece

32 Barnacle Geese
12 Shelduck
Reed Warbler feeding 2 chicks in front of Robbie Garnett Hide

South Lake

26 Avocet
3 Black-tailed Godwit
2 Oystercatcher
22 Gadwall
2 Teal
Mute Swan family of 4
2 Cormorant

Hogarth Hide

Little Ringed Plover male and female present.

Zeiss Hide

49 Avocet
3 Dunlin
6 Redshank
1 Oystercatcher
34 Lapwing
12 Black-tailed Godwit
1 Greenshank
1 Heron
Cuckoo, Reed Warbler and Reed Bunting singing

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