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Today's sightings

A much drier day than yesterday, but still with bands of rain moving through.

A much drier day than yesterday, but still with bands of rain moving through.

Estuary Tower
A Little-ringed Plover was briefly close to hide on the Tack Piece at lunchtime. Seen this morning were two Little Egret on the Pillbox Pool with two Green Sandpiper. At least 85 Barnacle Geese on the Dumbles and several singing Skylark.

Kingfisher Hide
Our volunteer Ian saw the Crane family close to the hide this morning but it appears there is now only one chick remaining, but it is looking big and healthy. On the pond were the adult and chick Little Grebe, and the female Marsh Harrier was perched on the dead willows for a time.

Zeiss Hide
Numbers included 19 Redshank, 23 Avocet, 12 Gadwall, 13 Shoveler, 55 Teal, a Black-tailed Godwit along with good numbers of Swallows, House Martin and Swift feeding over the field and water.

Hogarth Hide
The new Little-ringed Plover nest was still being incubated this morning on duck marsh.

South Lake
The breeding colony of 50 adults Avocet and their chicks were joined by a flock of 54 displaced from the Top New Piece, along with 72 Black-tailed Godwit. The two Oystercatcher chicks were very close to the Discovery Hide. The Great Crested Grebe pair were on the deep lake with chick(s) hidden on their back. A third calendar-year Mediterranean Gull was with the Black-headed Gulls on the wader scrape.

Decoy Hide
A Cetti’s Warbler and a Chiffchaff were singing this morning and five Tufted Duck were on the pond.

Rushy Hide
A Green Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit were on the lower pond, an Oystercatcher was seen along with a Shelduck family and 12 moulting Gadwall.

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