Today's sightings and seasonal habitat works
Wildfowl and Waders on South Lake/Tack Piece/Top New Piece
All sites are hosting flocks of Teal, Pintail, Wigeon, Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe.
Three juvenile Curlew Sandpipers have been touring the scrapes today, they have been seen in the Rushy, South Lake and Top New Piece. Three Little Stints were with the Dunlin on Top New Piece with 26 Ruff (10 on Rushy and 2 on Tack Piece at the same time), 350+ Black-tailed Godwit are touring with six Spotted Redshank, a second juvenile has arrived, this bird darker and a little smaller than the individual of recent weeks.
Top New Piece
Marsh Harrier visiting today.
Shepherds Hut Hide on the Seawall
Stonechat and Whinchat along the fenced wildlife corridor, look East along ditch, also a Hobby catching dragonflies and perching in the trees here this afternoon as well as Kingfisher along the ditch and two Cranes in the field.
Middle Point
Both Wheatear and Stoenchat on the reeds and fences.
On the estuary a Knot, 5 Grey Plover, 9 Avocet, 2+ Ringed Plover, a Sanderling, 240 Dunlin and the usual Curlew, Little Egrets and Shelducks. 20 Pintail and a small flock of Wigeon favour the low tide channel.
*Excavator arriving on the Rushy to begin work tomorrow* 22 September
It's still worth having a look as a few waders remain or return whilst the machinery is operation. The Ruff were feeding a few feet from the tractor yesterday.