Today's sightings- Bewick's Swan arrival, earliest ever!

Bewick'Swan, 11 10 15, MJMcGill  Bewick' SWAN 11 oCTOBER 2015, MJMcGill

A yearling (hatched in 2014) Bewick's Swan appeared over the reserve at 0915, circled for 15 minutes until it landed on the Dumbles at 0930, it moved to the Rushy later and  seemed to know exactly what is was doing suggesting it has been here before. Records indicate this is the earliest ever returning bird by one day. Images-MJMcGill

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

The Semipalmated Sandpiper was present at 0830hrs but was likely to have been flushed along with the other waders by a hunting Peregrine soon after, the tide was dropping so it presumably headed back to the Severn. Also present until the flush was 168 Dunlin, 161 Lapwing, 43 Golden Plover, 7 Greenshank, 30 Redshank and 400 Teal.

Holden Tower

Peregrine, 20 White-fronted Geese and a Marsh Harrier all seen today. 8 Cranes GCP.

Tack Piece

Crane 2 GCP, 300 Greylag, the White-fronted Geese (at times) and 300 Teal.

South Lake

4 Avocet, 61 Black-tailed Godwit and 141 Lapwing as well as 7 Pochard and 76 Tufted Duck.

*Please note that excavator work will continue here this week especially at the South end (Duck marsh).

Rushy Pen

Bewick's Swan 1
Black-tailed Godwit 5
Pintail 3


Siskins, Redpolls, Goldcrests and Cetti's Warblers all much in evidence

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